Service Logs
- Same as
docker container logs
, but aggregates all service tasks
- Can return all tasks at once, or just one task's logs
- Great for real time cli troubleshooting
- Has options for follow/tail, and other common log options
- Not for log storage, or searching, or feeding into other systems
- Doesn't work if you use --log-driver for sending logs off server
- Therefore: use for small Swarms and testing
- Return all logs for a service
docker service logs <servicename/id>
- Return all logs for a single task
docker service logs <taskid>
- Return unformatted logs with no trunking
docker service logs --raw --no-trunc <servicename/id>
- Only return last 50 log entries and all future logs
docker service logs --tail 50 --follow <servicename/id>
- Search in logs (both stdout and stderr)
docker service logs <servicename> 2>&1 | grep <search string>
docker service logs <servicename> 2>&1 | findstr <search string>